Member-only story
The illusion of weight control
I’d like to think that if we knew more, we wouldn’t do many of the things that are harmful to us, but we have a chance to find out now and try to do things differently.
In recent years, the world has been living under the slogan: I am a sculptor of my body.
Do you want to lose a couple of kilograms or a couple of tens of kilograms? Reduce body fat and build more muscle? You can do everything, just do it, they tell us.
Is it true?
Set point theory
The theory that each individual has a weight range in which their body operates optimally. The range averages from 10 to 15% of weight. For example, from 69 to 74 kg. In this range, weight can increase or decrease without control of eating behavior, depending on the presence of stress, food availability, day of the cycle (in women) and other reasons that may not be visible to our eyes. Trying to purposefully change your weight, either up or down, both within and outside of this range in the long term, will not be successful.
Who tracks the range?
New stories of weight change reinforce our belief that we dictate our terms to our bodies, but this is not true. Regulation is carried out by a part of the brain to which a person does not have access. It just works.
By what parameters?
Genetics. Genetically determined by 50–70%