Member-only story
Such a complex feeling — “resentment”…
We were all raised in different families. Each of us was instilled with different values, rules of behavior, rules of communication with others. In the process of life, we ourselves have developed our own vision of how we should treat others and what kind of attitude we expect towards ourselves. What some people allow themselves to do and say, others will never allow themselves to do. We are so different.
Maybe this is why we often take offense at each other. Maybe that’s why one person’s touchiness may seem strange and unlawful to us.
A person thinks that he has been unfairly insulted or upset. These thoughts cause negative emotions — resentment. Oddly enough, resentment is a complex, multi-component feeling. It includes a feeling of anger (anger, irritation) at the offender, disappointment, but also self-pity (often due to the fact that the offended person thinks that he cannot influence the situation in any way, change something).
In addition, resentment is a certain sequence of mental actions: observation of a person’s behavior (analysis, so to speak); an assumption of how he will behave in a specific situation; comparing your expectations and reality; making a decision to react to the behavior of the offender (yes, we ourselves make the decision to be offended).
Have you ever noticed what kind of people start insulting you and making fun of you? If you watch them (and it’s worth watching them, because you need to know the enemy by sight!), you will understand…