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Is parting the best cure for quarrels and problems?
Many people believe that if they break up with their lovers, their problems will disappear from their lives forever. And having created a new relationship, in no time they will find long-awaited mutual understanding and harmony. You are wrong. Having entered into a new relationship, you will find new problems, the resolution and settlement of which you will also spend your time. One cannot but agree that there is a possibility that there will be fewer problems. But it will not be possible to eliminate them completely.
Why you shouldn’t break off a relationship completely and irrevocably.
1. Quarrels on domestic grounds. Such problems can be resolved through normal dialogue. Provided that they didn’t hear you, they were offended by you, they misunderstood you the first time, then end the conversation and try to talk again, but a little later. If you feel the heat of passion, take a break.
2. The desire to change each other. Love is accepting a person as he is. People often make the mistake of assuming that their point of view is true. And no matter what it takes, they must accept it. No. It cannot be that everything that happens in a relationship “dances to your tune” just because something in your partner does not suit you. Be more patient and tolerant towards each other. And everything will work out.
3. Financial situation. You know, money comes and goes, but love, if it exists, of course, will always live in your heart. Even those who eat with…