Member-only story
I choose!
When raising our children, we of course want them to grow up responsible, independent and decisive. After all, adult life is filled with difficult situations and difficulties, and in order to cope with them you need to learn to look at the world on your own.
How to achieve this? We need to teach children the art of choosing.
By putting your child in a position of choice, you teach him responsibility, independence, and give him the opportunity to gain his first own experience.
Only the choice must be real! When offering something, it is necessary to build on the interests, hobbies and desires of your child.
When discussing this issue with parents, it often turns out that a choice seems to be offered, but it is not fair and does not take into account the child’s wishes. This choice is called “pseudo-choice.”
Example: “I don’t want to go for a walk, I want to play some more” — mom’s answer: “What kind of T-shirt do you want? Red or blue?
It seems that there is a choice, but of the proposed options there is not a single one that would suit him.
Here’s another option:
“Either you go to bed now or tomorrow you will be left without cartoons. So decide!”