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How to react if I am criticized and devalued?
How to react if I am criticized and devalued?
A person lives his whole life in society, in the society of his parents, then in the society of peers and teachers in children’s institutions, then the circle of communication and interaction only expands. A person learns the rules of his society, its norms, the culture of his people through his environment and the knowledge that is given to him. This is how a person becomes socialized and becomes a person. In addition to knowledge about his culture, norms and rules of society, a person also gets to know himself through the people around him; through the approval or punishment of significant adults, a child’s self-esteem and self-worth are formed. This is felt most acutely in adolescence.
For teenagers and young men, communication with peers, along with educational and professional activities, is the leading activity, the basis of mental and personal development. Adolescents and young men have an urgent need to belong to a peer group and are focused on its ideals. Young people strive to be noticed, accepted and understood by their peer group. The main need of this age period is to find one’s place in society and to be significant. Therefore, the opinions of friends, classmates, and acquaintances are very important for boys and girls. Through the opinion and assessment of significant others, self-knowledge occurs and self-esteem is formed. What to do if criticism from the outside upsets, upsets, makes you despondent and apathetic, and makes you think about your…