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Calmness is not boring! Techniques for applying Interest in life.
In this article I want to tell you about the importance of a correct understanding of Calmness and techniques for incorporating Interest in your life.
In classes on the MY MAGICAL WORLD program, my children and I often talk about calmness, since CALM and a harmonious psychological state are our goal. Because it is from this state that it is possible to correctly build your life path and scenario.
Children most often associate calmness with boredom. Apparently they often hear from adults: “Calm down! Sit still!” That is, sit around doing nothing, which means it’s boring. And the little man forms an incorrect semantic structure in his mind. And then this child, years later, turns into an adult with the same semantic structure. Someday I will write a special article about such adults.
I explain to my kids and young clients that boredom is when there is no Interest! It’s up to you to fix this! Invite your Interest to visit you! He will come up with many different activities and games, paint your world in rainbow colors and decorate everything with multi-colored plasticine and rhinestones! Well, or whoever you like more!
So there you go! Calmness is not boring at all. This might be interesting! For example, in a state of calm well we can explore and learn about our magical world. Get to know yourself better. Immerse yourself in reflection and create your own inner meanings.