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Be satisfied.
- I feel a warm, pleasant feeling inside.
- Do you like it?
- Yes :))
- Do you agree to keep it?
- Agree!
- OK then. Look, a cosmic test awaits you!
Sometimes this is how a hot chair with Nikolai Dmitrievich Linde, the author of emotional-imaginative therapy (EOT), ends. I sometimes use this technique myself.
What kind of “cosmic check” is this? And the fact that a situation may occur in life where the client will have a choice: is he ready for changes in his life, or does he want to leave everything as before. A person has every right to both options!
When we work with a client and come to an internal resolution to a stated problem, there are different options. If the problem was solved quite quickly, say in 30 minutes (this sometimes happens), someone wants to solve another problem. Someone is worried: “What if nothing works out. What if, despite internal changes, nothing will change in life?” And someone is happy with the result and enjoys the new state. Which of them do you think will reach a new state faster and become happier? You probably guessed it.
The external world reflects the internal one, serves as a litmus test to determine whether the client has accepted a new concept of life, whether he has transformed the image of himself (some part of himself) or not. It is important to accept the result obtained and take it for yourself. Literally — take into your body.